Our Issues

It is time that we ensured all Floridians had access to high quality and affordable healthcare. We need to expand Medicaid, expand access to Florida KidCare, lower prescription cost and make sure we protect those needing and seeking care instead of insurance and healthcare companies.

For far too long the Florida Legislature has been too focused on special interest and have ignored the issues that affect all of us. We need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, expand affordable and workforce housing and lower/eliminate tolls on our highways.
We must also end the handouts to corporations and make sure they are paying their fair share in state taxes.

Protect Florida's Families
Over 40% of Florida's families say they have a hard time affording their necessities. We need to use the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to bring needed affordable and workforce housing to our cities. We must also fight for Paid Sick and Family leave, raise our Minimum wage to $15 an hour, ensure equal pay for equal work and make sure that we fight for working families.

We need to protect Public Education and make sure that all Public Schools are funded no matter what zip code they are in. We need to protect parental choice, but also make sure that all schools that take advantage of public funds meet the same criteria and standards. Also, all teachers and school staff must be paid a proper wage, and be given the respect they deserve for their service towards our children.

It is time that we realized that we are in a climate crisis and certain steps are necessary. The legislature should be helping local counties and municipalities in their efforts to curb the effects of climate change and funding the resources that they need. We need to protect our water sources and keep our public lands including the Everglades clean and safe.

Womens Rights
We need to stand up for womens rights and their ability to make their own decisions. It is time that Florida passed the ERA and ensured Equal Pay for Equal Work. Most importantly we need to stop the constant attacks on women and their right to make their own healthcare and reproductive care decisions.

It is time that the legislature took the necessary steps in order to protect all Floridians. We must pass laws that ensure a complete and extensive background check system, to make sure that guns stay out of the hands of those that shouldn't have them. We must also pass an Assault Weapons Ban, limit the size of magazines, and ensure that background checks include those with a history of domestic violence.