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About Javier

Javier was born and raised in Miami. Born to cuban immigrant parents and graduating from Miami-Dade Public Schools, Javier has deep roots in his community and his district. His family struggled throughout his life, but always built themselves back up. Javier learned the virtues of hardwork and dedication from his family especially his mother. He is proud of his heritage and of being a member of the LGBTQ community. Having volunteered on several campaigns including those for Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton, Javier found a deep love and passion for politics. Especially important to him is the need for equality, defending public education and ensuring his voters voices are heard. 


In 2018, Javier launched a campaign for State Representative in District 105. While the GOP outspent the campaign 60 to1, with the support of his friends and family, he came within 417 votes of flipping 105. Much of the campaign was fought on the ground, Javier and his campaign knocked on over 4,000 doors and spoke to the voters about the issues that mattered to them.


We plan on doing that again, but this time we are going to finish the job.  

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Our Mission

Host an Event

We want to meet voters from every corner of District 105. Help us by hosting a Fundraiser or a Meet and Greet for your neighbors and friends. Email us by clicking below. 

Get us on the ballot

Sign a Petition

Download and fill out the petition below if you are a registered voter from House District 105 and send it back to us. You can check your district by clicking the link below.

We Need Your Support Today!

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